"Beverly has helped me so much, more than any therapist to be happy and connected to my family and close people. She is smart and dedicated, her coaching is very effective. I highly recommend working with Beverly if you want peace and connection in your life."  T.K.


"Thank you Beverly, for your support, coaching, passion and listening to me larger than I see myself. You are the best coach I have yet have and I feel so gotten and inspired by you! I see you as someone who makes a difference with everyone you come in contact with."   A.A.  


"After you facilitated a shift in my heart, I spoke to my brother and daughter the other day, I feel so light, like I can breathe easier!  There is a new found closeness and freedom in my family, thank you!"  A.R.

"Beverly helped most in seeing blind spots that were causing me to react in relationships, pushing away everything I wanted.  My anxiety has gone down 70 percent from embracing some of the tools she recommended.   It made a huge difference that she speaks from experience, it left me feeling understood, heard, seen, and valued.   She does not see people as broken.   She does not leave me like she is fixing me, she teaches me how to be more effective and able to connect with others.   It was through how she was being with me, taking responsibility for our connection, that I was inspired to listen in a new way."  Y.T.    


“Beverly came in to help us organize a few years of paperwork.  The job was done far quicker than I expected and rather painlessly, in about 10 hours.  She was perceptive in realizing my stress from not having a clear financial handle on our investments and offered to do a spreadsheet together.  Using rough estimates, I had a reasonable handle on what was going on within 2 hours.  It gave me clarity to make decisions and take action, this was exactly what I needed, more than the paperwork!  I entirely trusted her, she helped me stay calm and focused during a stressful time.”      F. Monaco, Real Estate Developer & Investor 


I still can't believe what we got done, in just one day my entire home is organized!!  There were so many things I noticed today that you did.  So much initiative you took on yourself, I don’t know when you snuck in doing them.  It feels so good being here!  Thank you!   A. Omar, N.Y. 

“To describe Beverly’s abilities in a few words is a difficult task.  She is a powerhouse.  Within two hours with much cheering and laughter, we expanded a completely cluttered room that had only a narrow path, to 12×12 of clear space.  Her way of dealing with resistance gives new meaning to firm & kind.  She will help empower you with the tools necessary to go forward.”  J. Hubbard

“You are the best in my long history of organizers at getting me past a melt-down fast and keeping up the momentum (I’ve never worked at this for 6 hours and wouldn’t have believed it to be possible). I like how you think and what you suggest, yet how you know when to back down. It’s a great combination and we were very effective together.”  E.F. Musician 

“Just want to say thanks for your tenacity, great clarity of focus and depth of understanding in working with me to clear my chaotic environment. Your generous enthusiasm, warm, gracious, non-judgemental attitude and vibrant energy have helped accomplish more in a few hours than I’ve been able to do on my own in years.   Much appreciation to you!   S. Pollock Senior Illustrator  


“I spent a weekend with Beverly revamping my office.  When done everything had a clear labelled home in cabinets and an easy to follow filing system.  All my work samples were organized.  I can put my finger on anything within seconds!  The following week, I set her loose on our production floor.  She managed to organize the team while they worked, weaving in and out from one employee to the next, squeezing time with workers as possible.  She exercised good judgement in what to handle on her own and what to discuss with me.  In five days 7 employees where far more organized with minimal interruption to operations, the work flow is more defined and employees started building on what they implemented together.   She didn’t come in and theorize ideas for improvement, she came and just did it.  She was practical and resourceful to make due with what we had.”     S.D.  Printing Co. 

“Through Beverly's help with my organizational madness, I have shifted in my beliefs, seeing potential once blocked. Your awesome personal skills and courageous honesty make you more than an organizer. You helped jumpstarted transformation of my business & life.” J. Schmidt Wellness Center Owner 

“What a day. I had no idea. One relentless organizer! I learned sooo much, just so many ideas and revelations to absorb. That was terrific, such a high. Thank you thank you thank you sooooo very much.  A. Baar Graphic Designer


Kidder Peabody & Morgan Stanley 

Infocentre, Tishman Realty, Kidder Peabody & Morgan Stanley