About the Founder

​I was a computer programmer strategist on Wall Street. However, I consistently struggled with organization, when I went through a divorce in 1996, my life blew up.  I was an emotional mess.  

 Throughout the ups and downs of my life, I have gained invaluable lessons about relationships and the healing process. It took me a significant 40-year journey filled with determination making a fool of myself over and over to get out of a deep rut I was in:  Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Strained and Highly Emotionally Reactive Relationships where we could not speak to each other without reacting, and Disorganization.  I was super determined to transition from mere survival to embracing the joy of life. 

My greatest passion and longing has been having healthy relationships, good communication, freedom and respect in those relationships, peace and joy. I have experienced countless moments of freezing, rendering me unable to speak or immobilized, and daily anxiety which undermined all areas of my life, I understand now this is a nervous system reaction or trauma.  I have largely found my way out.

I recognized that billions of people exist in the shadows, suffering silently from immeasurable shame, confusion, and uncontrollable behaviors and reactions as I did. Therefore, I aspire to create mobile applications that reach individuals from all walks of life: the affluent, the impoverished, and especially the homeless, in order to alleviate their pain and guide them towards healing, cherishing themself, and connecting with their innate value and innocence, their divine inheritance. I firmly believe that a world filled with greater peace, love, and happiness can be achieved and it will largely be done by those who have triumphed over their own suffering. If these words resonate with you, I want you to understand how deeply you matter, how significant your role is, and how immense of an impact you can make in this world.  

To me, anyone who joins me whether you are a client, technical support person, consultant or employee on this journey becomes a partner, a collaborator in this mission. Together, we evolve, learn, and heal, supporting one another every step of the way.  I do not know how to do what I am set out to do, I trust, it will be discovered and get more and more refined as I go. 

My vision


 Training Background

I believe we all have innate wisdom within us, there is nothing to fix, it is an undoing and desiring to connect to this place to be inspired and inspire others.

  • ​​Gottman Institute - Studied Level1, Level2, and Emotion Coaching Your Children programs.
  • Non-violent communication studies and co-facilitator, 2022 to present
  • Happiness Beyond Codependency - Two year intense program that covers emotional regulation & trauma healing, self-trust, relationships
  • Certified Relationship Workshop Facilitator - by Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed.
  • Dale Carnegie Group Leader, 1987
  • Al-anon, Coda, UA 12 step programs
  • Landmark Education, Communication Coach, 4 years Communication Curriculum and Team, Management, and Leadership Program Class Leader 
  • Trauma Specialist Training, 40 hour program, Arizona Trauma Institute
  • Lucas Rockwell Certified Breathwork Coach
  • Polyvagal Toning Program, Rewire Therapy Programs.  Emotional regulation & Somatic healing, the science of stress
  • Breathwork practices:  Art of Living, Wim Hof, Rebirthing, Heartmath facilitator, Lucas Rockwell Certified Breathwork Coach
  • Pathwork Studies, 8 years, including work with a helper - continue on and off
  • Course In Miracles group facilitator and practitioner, since 2002
  • John G. Lake - Divine Healing Technician Training (DHT) 
  • 12 Step Program’s - Coda, Underearner’s Anonymous, ACA, Al-Anon
  • Brahma Kumari's - Meditation, since 2001
  • Meditator, since 1997 
  • Kabbalist Sounds, Shulamit
  • Wim Hof – 30 day challenge 
  • Trauma Therapy personally used EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, Internal Family Systems (IFS)
  • Byron Katy's work
  • Somatic Experiencing (SE) 2 day training, Peter Levine (best in the field)
  • Waking the Tiger, Healing Trauma Peter A. Levine with Ann Frederick 
  • Spiritual studies: The Bible, Auto Biography of Yogi, Bhagavad Gita, Joel Goldsmith, Brahma Kumari’s, Ravi Shankar, Sai Baba, etc.
  • Ordained Minister, August 2019
  • Bachelor of Science, Computer Programming, St. John’s University
  • Master’s of Business Administration, Finance, St. John’s University