
red and green floral wreath

1.)   Strengthen your Home and Life to Nurture Jesus' teachings - Ideas to gradually learn the Gospel (The Good News), develop faith, incorporating prayer, family traditions, know the laws of the new testament, etc.  1 on 1 coaching, by donation

2.)  Conflict & Communication Improvement - Gradually learn some best practices in relating and communicating.  Choose and agree among your home what you want to adopt.  Learn what the New Testament guidelines are to know when you are not under God's domain.  1 on 1 coaching, by donation.   

3.)  Home Organization & Projects - Working with chronically disorganized individuals is a passion of mine, you are my tribe, we understand each other.   I bring my 45 years of experience sorting my own home and life out.  I offer hands-on support in your home to quickly bring sanity, teach habits & routines.  Remote support and assistance working through overwhelming projects. The best way to keep a home clean & organized is to experience a clean home you love!!  Together we can quickly rise into that experience, then I will teach some routines to keep it going. 

4.)  Retreat - I have a humble three bedroom apartment downstairs from me, it is rustic cabin with 3 bedrooms.  If you can use peace, encouragement, faith and some joy, or maybe you are going through relationship challenges, addiction struggles, or can use practical support getting a project done, this can be ideal.  Hunter, NY.  2 miles from Hunter Ski Mountain, loads of hiking trails, swimming holes, theater and arts surrounding me. 

4.)  Group Calls - teaching various bible topics, healing room, prayer group

a pile of boxes and boxes sitting next to each other

Home Organization & Emotional Project Support

I know personally, when you are in overwhelm, anxiety, trauma, or a freeze state, getting things done can be near impossible.  I have lived through this and come out the other side.

I support individuals and households getting life back in order hands-on, while in the process, I will teach you how to calm and begin healing your nervous system using simple techniques.  This will give access back to executive functioning:  organizing, decision-making, planning,  impulse control, and better communication!

We will also focus on improving communication together.  Practice making clear requests, moving through upsets, etc.  I am always evolving and I evolve and grow in my own skills or capacity to love with everyone I work with. 

There isn't any reason for shame with me, as I have been there myself and assisted quite a few people out.  You will be surprised that we will have fun and get to know each other quickly in the process.

This is practical real-world coaching, maximizing your investment. 

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I have a humble three bedroom apartment downstairs from me, it is rustic cabin with 3 bedrooms.  If you can use a change of scenery some support with calming practices, relationship challenges, or getting a project done, this can be ideal. 

Feel free to bring a few black bags of your paperwork, and we can not have fun organizing it, you will become freed of any shame surrounding it.  We will ceremoniously burn what you want to toss. 

Maybe you have a project you have been putting off that is weighing heavy on you.  Or you are in mourning going through a rough spot. 

I live in Hunter, NY.  2 miles from Hunter Ski Mountain, loads of hiking trails, swimming holes, theater and arts surrounding me. 

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